Humanitarian Learning Channel

Types of Pathways

We are building additional pathways which will cover the following humanitarian topics

Pathway 1- Emergency Preparedness and Response - Introductory Certification

Man and woman working down road

Recommended for non-emergency specialists in low-medium risk countries and other groups as identified

Pre-requisites: All 10 modules of the Humanitarian Fundamentals course (by any method)

  1. HF-INT-Introduction to UNICEF’s humanitarian action-CCCs, Preparedness and the Emergency Procedures (1.5 hrs)
  2. HF-LEG- International legal frameworks and humanitarian principles (1hr)
  3. HF-STAN- Humanitarian Standards and ethical practices (quality, accountability and AAP) (1.5 hrs)
  4. HF-PROT-Protection, PSEA and child safeguarding in humanitarian and emergency contexts (1.5hrs)
  5. HF-EQU- Equity, gender equality and disability inclusion (1hr)
  6. HF-ADV1- Introduction to humanitarian advocacy (1 hrs)
  7. HF-SYS- The humanitarian system and coordination mechanisms (1hrs)
  8. HF-HPC1-Humanitarian programme cycle (1 hr)
  9. HF-WELL- Maintaining wellbeing in pressured and changing environments (mental health, trauma, agility, stress, resilience) (1 hr)
  10. HF-PREP1-Introduction to Preparedness Planning (1.5hrs)

Pathway 2 - Emergency Preparedness and Response - Practitioner Certification

UNICEF staff providing education to child

Recommended for non-emergency specialists in medium to high-risk countries and other groups as identified

Pre-requisite(s): Certification in Humanitarian Fundamentals

  1. One the full day of face-to-face Simulations
  2. P-NEED-Humanitarian Needs Assessments (2 hrs)
  3. P-HRPM-Humanitarian response planning, monitoring and reporting (3 hrs)

Pathway 3- Humanitarian Leadership Workshop – for UNICEF staff only

UN car driving on unpaved road

The Humanitarian Leadership Workshop (HLW) series is a UNICEF learning initiative led by EMOPS to improve UNICEF’s leadership and response capacity in humanitarian crisis.

The aim is to equip UNICEF managers in the field with leadership abilities, knowledge, and skills to prepare for and manage humanitarian crises and emergency preparedness and response, consistently and systematically, in line with our Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action.

The primary audience for the HLW principally includes UNICEF Deputy Representatives, Chiefs of Field Offices, Chiefs of Field Operations/Emergency, Chiefs of Section/s, Cluster Coordinators, and other staff with significant experience leading teams and/or supporting/coordinating humanitarian action in the field.